Live in the Moments That Matter
Sixteen Wicks & Co is a family owned and operated small business, that all started with two people’s love for wine, champagne and an effort to make the earth a better place through recycling.

This beautiful floral bottle created by a newly-wed couple in love, is said to be one of the most romantic champagnes on the market.
Looking to add that little extra touch and vibe of royalty to your room? This bottle oozes luxury and royalty.

M Label
There is no doubt these bottles stand out in a room with their paperless labels and handmade pewter Spades logo that is uniquely applied with each bottle varying just slightly from the next.

As one of the most popular champagnes, this vintage bottle is sure to add the perfect accent to any room.
Candle Care Kits
Each of our signature candle care kits include: 1 tray, 1 wick trimmer, 1 candle snuffer, and 1 wick dipper. Available in four colors: black, silver, gold, and rose gold